How a ya!
What's the craic?
Thanks for visiting this satirical take on Ireland's 'new' saints. My name is Valerie Vetter. I live in Dublin, Ireland and am one of those hybrid children whose Mammy emigrated to the USA, married a Yank, had me and then decided to bring the family back home. I've always loved Catholic iconography and wondered what would it be like to make some new saints especially for a new secular Ireland.
Please feel free to send any suggestions of 'saints' you'd like to see or if you'd like me to create one of you, a family member or a friend!
Just email
Meanwhile, I'll be adding to the list of modern Irish Icons all the time so sign up to our email list to hear about new saints and to receive special offers and updates.
I also have Irish Slanguage mugs and t-shirts. Irish people have a unique way of speaking with a long and proud tradition of the Irish Slanguage! I'll be adding to them too ...
go raibh mile maith agat
Postal address is New Irish Icons, 48 Shandon Park, Phibsboro, Dublin, Ireland